N6ARA MiniSWR – Assembled
Small and lightweight QRP SWR Meter.
- QRP RF and SWR Indicator
- Forward RF Power Light
- 3:1 to 1:1 SWR Indicator
- Power Rating: 3W – 5W
- Band Coverage: 20m to 80m (labeled case included)
- BNC Input/Output Connector
- Input/Output Impedance: 50ohms
The product is based on TinySWR, designed by Martin Hepp (DK3IT), which itself is based on a circuit by Hans Steinort (DF3OS) with improvements from Dieter Engels (DJ6TE) and Hannes Hiller (DL9SCO).
User Manual and Assembly Instructions:
N6ARA MiniSWR – Manual and Instructions – Rev A
Example of assembled product:
Example of MiniSWR in the field:
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